Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Respiratory System

Students explore the importance of the diaphragm to the respiratory system...

Josalyn and Zeyton
working their ideas.

Sam is excited about his project
actually working.

Jaxson demonstrates for Mrs. Myers

Caden testing his hypothesis.

Everyone on 3 - Blow!

Nadia and Paige explore their thoughts.

Andre demonstrates his natural creativity.

Kurtis focuses on his ideas
for  his lung project.

You girls look puzzled???

Testing….Collecting results….
The students also explored the effects of smoking to the respiratory system.
We observed healthy working lungs as well as smoker's lungs.
We learned many interesting facts from personal interviews as well as research.
Did you know?  Tobacco smoking has been implicated in more than 90% of lung cancers?

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