Tuesday, February 4, 2014

McPherson Middle School Helps Local Teacher

Heart Strings Service Project 
for Mija Stockman

6th grade students are collecting
old T-shirts.

They have made necklaces,
pillows, caps, rugs,
valentine bags and
much much more!

The students cut and recycle
the donated T-shirts.

This is an example of a Kansas City Chiefs rug
made from recycled T-shirts.

We want to send out
hugs thanks to
everyone who has contributed,
helped and/or made purchases.

Posters to advertise
the sales.
Everyone pitched in to help.

Bagging strings for
valentine bags.

Proceeds will go to Mija Stockman
and family this year - 2014

Click on the link below to see video of students working on service project.


  1. 6th graders....you have outdone yourselves.....I love all of the Heartstrings....What a great way to help out Mija's family....My 2nd graders are doing Heartstrings as well for a student at Lincoln....Can you tell my students how doing this project has made you feel? Has it changed you in any way? What do you like most about your service project? Thanks, Mrs. Beede 2nd grade LES

  2. Something mija! She starding to open her eyes


Please add an appropriate comment to stimulate dialogue with 6th grade science students.