Saturday, February 15, 2014


~Students work on electricity lab ~
How can I get the light bulb to light?  
How do I complete a circuit?

Learning about open and closed circuits…the hands-on way!  Sometimes working with a lab partner can get challenging.

The students pondered questions such as:  What is an electric current?  Just why DID my lightbulb light up?  Which variable should I change?  If I perform the same test, should I expect different results?

What is the 
Law of 
Electric Charges?

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Nervous System

Science students use their

senses to learn about the Nervous System

McPherson Middle School Helps Local Teacher

Heart Strings Service Project 
for Mija Stockman

6th grade students are collecting
old T-shirts.

They have made necklaces,
pillows, caps, rugs,
valentine bags and
much much more!

The students cut and recycle
the donated T-shirts.

This is an example of a Kansas City Chiefs rug
made from recycled T-shirts.

We want to send out
hugs thanks to
everyone who has contributed,
helped and/or made purchases.

Posters to advertise
the sales.
Everyone pitched in to help.

Bagging strings for
valentine bags.

Proceeds will go to Mija Stockman
and family this year - 2014

Click on the link below to see video of students working on service project.

Respiratory System

Students explore the importance of the diaphragm to the respiratory system...

Josalyn and Zeyton
working their ideas.

Sam is excited about his project
actually working.

Jaxson demonstrates for Mrs. Myers

Caden testing his hypothesis.

Everyone on 3 - Blow!

Nadia and Paige explore their thoughts.

Andre demonstrates his natural creativity.

Kurtis focuses on his ideas
for  his lung project.

You girls look puzzled???

Testing….Collecting results….
The students also explored the effects of smoking to the respiratory system.
We observed healthy working lungs as well as smoker's lungs.
We learned many interesting facts from personal interviews as well as research.
Did you know?  Tobacco smoking has been implicated in more than 90% of lung cancers?

Dissection of a Pig Heart

6th Grade Science Students

Dissect  a Pig Heart

Dig in Cassie!

Hayes places his fingers inside to explore.

Tyson and Kenyon working together.

Nice teamwork Sam and Juan.

Shelby - you did it!  Yay!

Pull Jenna pull!

Circulatory System

Science students explore 

how the circulatory system works...

Does it work Sam?

Great team collaboration...

Alex leads his team with ideas….

Hannah and Alexis working together.

Jaedon puts the finishing touches on the system.

Kaylie and Alexis working on creative ideas.

Hayes and Mason looking closely
at the details of the project.

Testing their hypothesis...

Laykn and Lexi testing
their prediction.

Ben and Ian
thinking and discussing.

Bryson, Sam and Juan
working on their version.

Looks like this group is having a good time investigating.
Way to work together Kourtney, Kvon and Will.